Monday, 12 April 2010

Why upload to Youtube

With the advances in internet technology bands and artists are able to introduce their music to potentially a massive audience, at low cost without having to affiliate with a major recording label. A major recording label with be very costly. Websites with massive libraries of songs are most successful as they are more widely known. This creates high numbers of opportunities for Independent label bands. Royalties from digital services could be a massive source of income, potentially. If an artist or band have decided to pay to record, manufacture and promote their album, there is little to no additional cost for Independent artists to distribute their music online. Online websites offer a massive opportunity to expose the artist/band to new and existing fans which could lead to an increase in sales through online retailers such as Itunes. When releasing music online it can be done more frequently and quickly and is easily accessible. Also artists/bands can release limited edition or live-material, not necessarily recorded professionally, online to be seen. This making advertising more cost efficient.

We, the producers, and our target audience are part of the We Media generation. Social networking sites (Facebook) and online sharing websites (youtube) are the craze within the generation. It is a quick and efficient way to communicate and upload videos to promote and see favourite, or research new, bands. Not only is youtube a massive hit online, it has also transferred to television, Rudetube. This showcasing all the most popular videos on television. Therefore potentially its allowing you to promote via television for no extra cost. Uploading and joining these sites are cost free yet reaching out to a massive, massive market.

Taking all this into consideration we have found it best that we upload our finished video to youtube.

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